In pitching, you are using a higher lofted club like a pitching wedge, sand iron, or a 9-iron, because you need loft to get the ball higher in the air so it lands on the green and holds. The ball should be in the center of your stance and you should always execute a pitch shot with a "more club less swing" mentality. Determine the conditions and decide which shot will be best. If the greens are hard that day, you should be hitting bump and run shots. Bump and run is when you take a club with less loft, like a 7 iron, and hit a low and controlled shot to the front of the green so it will bounce and run up to the cup. If the greens are wet and slow, you need to get the ball closer to the hole in the air. Don't try and hit the ball on an upswing, take a higher lofted club, drive through the ball and let the loft do the work, this puts backspin on the ball. Hitting the ball with an upswing will put topspin on the ball and it will roll well past the hole after it hits the green.
Chipping is similar to putting as you must always hit through the ball with a controlled swing and keeping your head anchored. From just off the green, you should use a club with less loft than a sand wedge. Experiment using an 8, 7, 6, 5 iron. This will allow you to hit the chip more like a putt, landing it part way and allowing it to roll to the hole.
Golf Tips Free: Improve Your Golf - Pitching & Chipping