Your setup at address will be an important part of starting your swing with proper stance, ball position and distance from the ball.
Stance: will vary with clubs as you move from short irons to long irons, but ball is consistently played inside your left heel (right heel if you're a lefty). What should happen with your stance is you should start with your feet approximately 12" apart with your 9-iron and gradually widen your stance with each club until you get to about a shoulder-width stance with your driver. Also, you need to have a slightly open stance with your shorter irons (7-p.w.) and a square stance with your long irons and woods (3-6 irons, fairway woods, driver). A slightly open stance is when you pull your left foot and side back just a bit from the ball to slightly turn the front of your body towards your target. A square stance is when you can draw a line across the tips of your feet and the line will lead straight to your target. After you are properly aligned at address with your feet, it is good to turn your left foot slightly pointed out. This will help stabilize your weight when you finish your swing.
Direction: for a shot is an important factor of your address to the ball. Your shoulders should be parallel to the line of flight you are swinging for. It is better to feel slightly aimed left of your target (body open to target) than aimed right of target (body closed to target).
Distance From The Ball: is key for consistency and is measured by standing straight up at address with your left arm hanging straight down in front of your left leg, fingers on left hand are cupped slightly and the butt of the grip of the club is laying across your index and middle fingers only. If it is into your ring finger, you are too close; if it is only up to your index finger, you are too far away from the ball. This pattern will place you at the proper distance from the ball every time and allow for you to make a more consistent swing. This method should be used with every club. Only with chipping and of course putting will you stand closer to the ball.
After checking your distance, remain with your body straight up, grip the club and bend over at the waist only until the club head is placed behind the ball. Then, slightly bend the knees keeping 70% of your weight support towards the front of your feet and toes. Finally, make sure your head is positioned just behind the ball with a slight tilt towards the right. This is where you head should be at impact for maximum control and distance.
Golf Tips Free: Improve Your Golf - Setup & Address At Ball For Proper Swing